Dear All
In various forms and social portals – the involvement of media persons in shameless acts are appearing with everypassing day, & this tendency is very alarming and need to be taken very serious note of it beforeitis to late.
Other day there was a “massage circulated in various quarters disclosing that
“MR YBM tried to enter Aila Malik's home at midnight while he was fully drunk. Aila refused his entry and forced him to leave. Mrs. Malik was threatened to not to report the matter as her reputation would also be at stake after her feud with Mr. Rindh. The matter is still not known to Mian Amir. Let us see what happened. Mr. Arif Hameed Bhatti was also accompanying Mr. YBM. He convinces her not to report the matter. YBM is now after Ms Bukhari of SAMAA TV and tey were seen in a Restaurant near the latter’s office on dinner after that they walked in liberty park for an hour.
PTV mafia Imran Mir and Iqbal Khan were once again seen in a flat near F market with three girls. This time they were with two PTV anchors and a host. PPP govt. has given them clearance from previous sex scandal at Muree.
A new sexual scandal is unearth at EXPRESS where Fahad Hussain was caught with an anchor who is recently join admin from City 42. She was known having relations with Imran Mir. Our ISB Cuto Asma Ch is once again being seen with a very rich Minister from Sindh and got a contract of printing worth 20 million pak rupee. She spent almost eight hours in her farm house near Rawalpindi. She ousted Nasim Zehar for this contract as she wins the smart boobs race. That Minister is known to hungry for big boobs.
Hamid Mir is being seen with Aman. Bhabee gee ready forasnoter fight to save hubby after Asima Ch. Hisbe Haal fame columnist cum TV journalist Mr. Aftab Iqbal got pregant his co Host and abortion was done at a Clinic in Samanabad Lahore.”
In fact with the advent ofthe electronic media inour countryagood number femalesalso joinedthemedia because ofvarietyof reasons.However, the electronic media owners beforelaunching their respective channels hadnot made vital requirementsfor ensuringconduciveworking environment in their media houses .So much so none of the channel Management had so far formulatedany “Gender Policy” ,if any one had evolvedsuchpolicy that may be in their “files” being keptundersafe places suchfor “showing formality”.
It is also a fact that some media owners and their top managementare exploiting their “financial powers”, and takingadvantageoframpant employment, poverty, hiring females forvariousassignmentson nominal remuneration, without anyjob security, appointment letter, service rules, criteria, and also formed them for “filing felling their indecent desires too” .
This shameless development has become order of the day in the electronic channel with impunity, asthe media organizations seems playing a role of silentspectator. Although, the PFUJhigh command has aired the sexual harassment case of Ms. Maheen Usmani, but thereaftergone underground apparentlyowingto the pressure oftheirown colleaguesor fearinguncomfortable from the notorious YBM & allthepowerful person-Mian Amirwho is main protector of YBM.This is also hard fact that a quitea good numberofsenior &seasoned journalists openly condemnedthe YBM , yet the response of the journalistscommunityand society was not appreciable.
In such sorrystate of affairs the persons like YBMwould continue to disgracethe profession whichisalreadyin a “verybad shape “andloosing his grace. Iappealthatthemedia organizations should take serious notice of such. Incidentsseriouslybeforeitistoo late…. -- SAJJAL Posted on Press Pakistan Forum